Cloud Database(UDB)

Get UDB Cloud Database Compute Specification List - ListUDBMachineType


Retrieve the list of computing specifications supported by UDB cloud database. Currently, it does not support obtaining the computing specifications of cross-availability zone instances. The currently supported database categories include: NVMe version and SSD cloud disk version MySQL.


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is ListUDBMachineType.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user's public key can be obtained from Console (opens in a new tab)Yes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringRegion. See Region and Zone ListYes
ZonestringZone. See Region and Zone ListYes
ProjectIdstringProject ID. Leave it blank for the default project. Sub-accounts must fill in. Please refer to the GetProjectList APINo
InstanceModestringUDB instance mode type, optional values are as follows: "Normal": Standard version UDB instance "HA": High-availability version UDB instance. The default is "Normal"."""

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
DataSetarray[MachineType]Specification ListYes
DefaultMachineTypeMachineTypeDefault Computing SpecificationsYes

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
IDstringCompute specification id, currently supports three types of CPU and memory ratios: 1:2, 1:4, 1:8;

The format of the specification is: "Machine type.Ratio.CPU core specification";

Two types of machines are supported: o and n, representing Kuaijie NVMe and SSD cloud disk models respectively;

The ratio mapping relationship is as follows:
2m represents a CPU to memory ratio of 1:2,
4m represents a CPU to memory ratio of 1:4,
8m represents a CPU to memory ratio of 1:8,

The CPU core specification mapping relationship is as follows:
small represents 1C,
medium represents 2C,
xlarge represents 4C,
2xlarge represents 8C,
4xlarge represents 16C,
8xlarge represents 32C,
16xlarge represents 64C,

For example, "o.mysql4m.medium" means
Creating a Kuaijie NVMe model with 2C8G instance,
"o.mysql8m.4xlarge" means creating a Kuaijie NVMe model with 16C128G instance.
DescriptionstringDescription of computing specifications, in the format of "nCmG", indicating an instance with n cores and mG memory.No
CpuintCPU Core CountNo
MemoryintSpecification Memory Size, Unit (GB)No
OsstringInternal cloud host model, "o/n" selectable.No
GroupstringMemory/CPU RatioNo


Request Example

Response Example

  "Action": "ListUDBMachineTypeResponse",
  "DataSet": [
      "Cpu": 9,
      "Description": "phSdctBk",
      "Group": "NMGNcZoB",
      "ID": "jlzxzRpr",
      "Memory": 8,
      "Os": "mXvRGwSp"
  "DefaultMachineType": {},
  "Message": "gpbNNqbc",
  "RetCode": 0
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