What is USnap
Disk snapshot service (USnap) is based on Data Ark CDP technology and provides the ability to create snapshots for a full range of cloud hard disk data disks (normal/SSD/RSSD).Snapshot is a convenient and efficient data disaster recovery method, which is often used for data backup, custom mirroring, application disaster recovery, etc.
When you enable the disk snapshot service for a disk, the disk not only gets 3 manual snapshot quotas, but also gets the automatic continuous data backup function provided by UDataArk. UDataArk will provide you with automatic continuous data backup function in the last few days. Depending on the different packages choosed, you can obtain second-level, hour-level, and day-level backups in different time ranges. For package details, see Value-added services, For more information about Data Ark, see UDataArk.
If you have already subscribed to the UDataArk service, when you activate the disk snapshot service, the UDataArk fee will be refunded and the disk snapshot service order will be re-created.