Getting Started
Step2 Create Subnet

Step2 Create Subnet

  1. Log in to the console, select "UVPC" in "Products and Services", and enter the private network page.
  1. You can click the "Create Subnet" button in the subnet tags to create a subnet instance. You need to fill in the following information when creating:

    • Belonging VPC: Choose which VPC to create the subnet in.
    • Belonging segment: Choose the segment that has been added in the VPC.
    • Subnet name: Enter a name with a length of 6~63 characters.
    • Subnet segment: Choose the subnet segment based on the VPC's segment. The subnet segments in the same VPC cannot overlap.
  1. After successful creation, you can view the created subnet instance on the subnet page and manage it, such as changing remarks, changing business groups, managing resources, etc.

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