Products Overview
Introduction to URoute

Introduction to URoute


Default Route Table: A route table created by the system for the VPC when the VPC is created. Newly created subnets will be bound to the default route table by default. The default route table cannot be deleted or edited, and all rules in the default route table are system routes.
Custom Route Table: A route table created by the user, who can also add custom route rules. Custom route tables can be created, deleted, and edited. Note that system routes in the custom route table can only be viewed and cannot be edited.
System Route: Route rules added by the system to the route table by default. System routes can only be viewed.
Custom Route: User-defined route rules. Route rules include the destination address, next hop type, and next hop. Custom routes can be added, edited, and deleted. The route table takes effect at the subnet granularity. Each subnet must be bound to and can only be bound to one route table, and one route table can be bound by multiple subnets.

Route Rule Type The next hop type of the route table rule is enumerated as follows:

Next Hop TypeNext HopDescription
LOCALLOCALSystem routing, each VPC segment will add a LOCAL route, indicating that the default within the VPC is accessible
Egress GatewayEgress GatewaySystem routing, designating the exit of the public network. If the cloud resource is bound to an EIP, the default exit is to the EIP; otherwise, if the subnet is bound to a NAT gateway, the default exit is to the NAT gateway.
Public ServicePublic ServiceSystem routing, pointing to DNS and YUM source provided by SurferCloud
CUSTOMCUSTOMSystem Routing, special internal services of SurferCloud, such as UAEK business use
Private Network VIPvip idCustom route, next hop is VIP
Instanceuhost id(phost id)Custom routing, next hop is UHost

Usage Limitations:

  1. Overlapping destination network segments in routing rules are permissible, but they cannot be exactly the same. If multiple routing rules are matched at the same time, the priority is determined by the longest prefix match algorithm.
  2. Custom routing rules support the addition of next hop types such as internal VIP and instances (UHost).
  3. The default routing table cannot add custom routing rules. If custom rules are needed, a custom routing table can be created and custom routing rules can be added.
  4. Each routing table supports up to 50 custom routing rules.
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